Saturday, September 10, 2011

Class? What Class? Is Online Education becoming a favored alternative to Traditional Education?

In this fast-paced, constantly evolving world we live in, adapting to change is a necessity in order to survive. There is no doubt that in today’s day and age not embracing technology is, really, not an option. We now live in a world governed by the ability to access information and have instant communication whenever we so please. Wireless Internet and the “cloud” have given us the ability to access the Internet wherever we go. There is seldom a time when you walk into a location and don’t see someone on their mobile phone, laptop, or tablet. So now two types of people exist in the world, the people who embrace technology, and the laggards who refuse to accept this new way of life.
Already we have seen several industries take the hit of the e-commerce revolution; including the music, book, movie, travel, and banking industries. So who is next? Could it be education? The Internet has provided a new way for people to learn, interact, and access education. Online learning has become a favored alternative to a traditional classroom-learning environment for many people. For me, it provides me the ability to work full-time while still being able to get a first-rate business education. Although I have to pay an additional $174 to take an online course, it is worth it for me to pay extra, for the extra convenience. Why would I rather sit in a class for 2-3 hours a day, making it nearly impossible to find a reasonable work schedule, than be able to work at my own pace, on my own time, and make money at the same time?
One study shows that “real promise of online education, experts say, is providing learning experiences that are more tailored to individual students than is possible in classrooms. That enables more ‘learning by doing,’ which many students find more engaging and useful.” [1] So will online learning completely take things out of the classroom? No, because of the fact that there a people who need face-to-face interactions, and lack the discipline of online education, but, online education has rapidly become a popular choice amongst many students. 

[1] "Study Finds That Online Education Beats the Classroom -" Technology - Bits Blog - 19 Aug. 2009. Web. 10 Sept. 2011. <>.


  1. Interesting outlook Theresa. Online education definitely has it's benefits and ease for the folks with a lot on their plates. However, as far as it taking over regular classes I don't see it happening. Not necessarily because people lack the discipline to learn on their own, but because they've been conditioned since childhood to learn as a group and socially interact with others in a classroom. Which in my opinion, is beneficial for developing social skills needed to conduct business in future endeavors. Some people learn better alone and some better in a group, some will learn either way.

  2. I like your point of view Theresa. Internet has influenced everything even classes. Online classes are becoming more popular and as they become more popular, technology increases and the classes become better in terms of quality and communitation among classmates and instructors.

  3. I really enjoyed your post, I personally prefer in person classes. The idea of being able to learn with other people as well as with a professor who can repeat a lesson is much easier. But there are a lot of new technologies that enable for students to learn via the web, for instance itunesU were many colleges have had professors upload their lessons as a podcast, students can learn from other professors in various colleges.

  4. I could not agree more, one the advantages that the internet has brought to my personnal life is the flexibility options that are now available, i would much rather take my education partially online due to the fact that i can make it fit in my personnal schedule as opposed to me fitting into schools schedule, it works kind of perfectly for me. I also believe that this will reduce that percentage of students that are in the in-between of either enrolling to a higher education establishment and get a degree or keep working. Now it doesn't have to be this way or the highway, internet have brought the student life options. Great options at that.
